What To Expect From A Krav Maga Class

When mentioning the martial arts the first association, it will be karate, boxing, kick-boxing… However, in the world of these primary martial arts, Krav Maga (KM) has found its place. Although it can be ranked among the martial arts, Krav Maga is primarily a training system, significantly different from others, which has a direct purpose for our safety and ultimately life. Mississauga krav maga is the right sport for you if you are interested in getting in a better shape.
Krav Maga is a self-defense system and the goal of training itself is to preserve personal security in unforeseen situations, relying on instillation reactions. By training, people acquire the ability to use their instincts for the best of use, both in conflicts that can be verbal, and in a physical conflict when even our life can be compromised. The training includes preventive procedures in order to avoid conflict, as well as a way to directly address current threats to personal security. This defense-tactical system is divided into different sectors – civil, military, police and security sector (VIP).
When and where did it come from?
Officially, KM was created in the 1940s, following the founding of the state of Israel and the Israeli army. However, the very appearance of KM relates to the period before the start of the Second World War. The founder of this skill who was still in Czechoslovakia forcing him to take part in the defense of the Jewish people from frequent attacks by fascists. As they were deprived of any weapon, the Jewish people had to know the skills of the combat and defense militia by means of improvised funds. He later went to Palestine where he joined the Jewish Liberation Movement and was in charge of training members of the resistance movement, transmitting his experiences from Czechoslovakia. This was also the beginning of the creation of what we call Krav Maga today.
What every person should expect from the training program
In the initial phase of the training, learning of basic movements and operations, which are easily overcome. The training itself is conceived so that, in addition to mastering techniques, it also works to improve the fitness of students, as well as the work where people learn how to react when under stress in unforeseen situations, which is the essence of training.
What distinguishes KM from other martial arts?
The basic difference is that the tactics of sports and security tactics represent diametrically opposite things. Namely, for every sporting fight, preparations are made for months. Each fighter is familiar with everything that is related to his opponent and in that struggle there are clearly defined rules. In the end line of the moment when a fighter is not capable of fighting, the fight ends. On the other hand, in the event of an attack on the street there is none of it and that is precisely the reason for KM existence, that is, the protection of security based on instinctive movements.