
The Dos And Don’ts Of Corporate Videos

The Dos And Don’ts Of Corporate Videos Posted On
Posted By Steffy Alen

Corporate videos have completely transformed the landscape of marketing! And the audience demand for such videos appears insatiable across every niche. It is no big surprise since these videos can bring various weapons to the marketing battle. As a result, businesses worldwide are warming to the idea of incorporating corporate video production into their marketing tactics.

Whether you are teaming up with a corporate video production company or producing the video yourself, knowing the dos and don’ts of corporate videos will help you give your best shot at a successful video campaign. So, let’s delve into the top things to keep in mind when crafting a corporate video for your company:

The Dos

1. Put down your thoughts into the paper

You need a defined idea or scope for your video to work well. If you don’t figure it out at an early stage, your final result will be all over the place. Hence, know the purpose and plan to deliver your message to your audience.

2. Consider the length of your video

One of the main reasons why people enjoy video is that it conveys long-winded information in a more exciting and digestible format. However, too much creative video content will not entertain your audience anymore since viewers are more likely to watch a whole video if they know they’re close to the end. It may sound sad, but that is the reality of our attention spans nowadays!

But, this does not imply that you must keep your videos so short that they are completed in the blink of an eye without giving out any necessary information. So, you need to exercise caution when determining the length of your videos. A video with a reasonable length and straight-to-point can help it stand out better.

3. Develop a compelling script

The majority of people prefer to see something with content. They are looking for more than just bling and beauty. Hence, include a script that can portray a strong purpose and entice your customers to watch until the end of the video.

4. Focus on connecting with your audience’s minds

Engaging and meaningful videos can help establish a strong connection with your target audience. Creating an emotional connection through your video’s content or story can leave a lasting impression on viewers’ minds. Show them how your services can positively impact their lives so that they can drive their purchase toward your brand.

The Don’ts

1. Skip to include a clear call to action

No matter how appealing and vibrant your video is, it’s easy to lose sight of it once it’s finished. Therefore, it is better to place a call to action at the end of the video so that you can remind your viewers to take the next action.

2. Turn up the volume of your background music

Select background music that cannot overpower your voice or turn off your audience. Soft and silent music can keep your voice louder and hence, hold your audience’s attention until the end of the video.

3. Pack in too much information

You would like to notify your intended audience about all your products and services so that they can make the best possible purchasing decision, right? However, cramming a lot of content into a single video may overburden your audience and cause them to miss the message you’re trying to convey. So the best thing you can do is create numerous corporate videos and help your customers understand more easily.

4. Look like a salesperson 

Videos that aggressively promote a product will not effectively convert well. In addition, they have the potential to harm the brand’s reputation. As a result, make sure your video does not sound like a sales pitch.

In all their guises, corporate videos have been shown to increase traffic, generate leads, and contribute to bottom-line sales. But it’s up to you on how you leverage it—your minor error or slight ignorance can either pay you back or provide you with zero outcomes. Thus, cautiously follow the above guidelines to ensure that your corporate videos can produce the desired results for your company.

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