Temporary Tooth Replacement Options During Dental Implant Procedure

In recent years, dental implants have become a popular option for people who lost a few teeth and want to restore their lovely smiles. Losing your teeth can bring you a lot of complications and causes many difficulties and problems. In order to repair your smile and avoid the unpleasant consequences of missing teeth, you need to find a suitable tooth replacement option immediately. As a professional dentist providing affordable dental implants in downtown Vancouver, these cosmetic dental treatments are significantly beneficial and perfectly meet your needs as they are just like your natural teeth. Besides all these benefits, the procedure of getting dental implants requires a few visits with your dentist as it goes in stages. If you like to have dental implants, you should be fully aware of those stages to be prepared and avoid any possible problems. It usually takes several months for dental implants to complete after a period of waiting until complete. Thus, you may need to consult with your implant dentist about your options for replacing your teeth until you become prepared for permanent implants. Here we describe everything you must know if you are interested in dental implants.
In What Ways Are Dental Implants Beneficial?
Dental implants are a long-lasting choice if you have lost one or more teeth. Dental implants can replace your missing teeth and work as real teeth, so you won’t feel any dissimilarities and will be so comfortable after a while. An important part of dental implants is the titanium post which will be inserted into your jawbone, making dental implants significantly solid and durable. The process of inserting the titanium post is somehow complicated, so you need to rest for a few months so your jawbone will be head and strong enough to continue the treatment.
How Will the Implant Treatment Affect You?
After placing the posts deep into your jawbone, your implant dentist will attach the abutment. After undergoing these steps, you require healing time as your dentist cuts into your gum. Then you can continue the treatment by receiving a crown after your post and jawbone fuse to provide enough stability.
In the Event That You Miss a Tooth, What Are Your Options for Replacing It Temporarily?
You have to replace your missing teeth with temporary alternatives while waiting to be recovered and continue the treatment. These options let you talk, chew, and smile during recovery time.
- Flipper: if you are in the middle of the dental implant process, a flipper can help you. It’s a removable retainer that will snap over the existing teeth.
- Temporary bridges: dental bridges can help you have a shiny smile until the dentist can finish the implant. Your bridges will be removed when you are prepared enough to continue your implant treatment.
- Temporary crown: while waiting for dental implants, you can choose dental crowns to replace your missing teeth temporarily.
Ask your implant dentist about all available options and what makes sense for you to make the best decision!