Dental Care

How Can I Avoid Common Dental Emergencies?

How Can I Avoid Common Dental Emergencies? Posted On
Posted By Steffy Alen

Dental emergencies are often painful and call for immediate medical attention. It’s imperative to try and prevent dental emergencies from arising in the first place. However, accidents come without prior warning, which explains why you should consult an emergency dentist Wisconsin if you have your tooth broken or knocked off. The experts at Teledentistry are available 24/7 to ensure timely dental care.

Like any other emergency, you don’t have the liberty to waste time. However, reputed dentists recommend certain ways that can reduce the chances of dental emergencies arising.

Common Dental Emergencies And How To Avoid Them

Before recommending the best practices to avoid dental emergencies, let’s look at the common issues that might haunt you.

1. Toothache

Pain in your teeth can be severe enough to drive you to tears. Besides, dental pain is not a good sign as it indicates possible tooth decay. If you experience mild pain in your teeth, you might turn to common home remedies. However, if the pain is throbbing and you experience swelling of your gums, you need urgent medical attention. Rather than taking painkillers or aspirin, consult reputed dentists. Remember, painkillers might react with the affected gums and leave you with a burning sensation.

For the time being, apply a cold compress on your cheek. The dentist will examine the tooth and prescribe you the right medicines.

2. Knocked-out Teeth

Knocking out your teeth can be extremely painful. Whether you had a fall or an accident, getting your tooth knocked out calls for immediate dental care. Make sure to contact a reputed dental clinic for emergency medical consultation. Timely care from professionals will help you restore the tooth.

Make sure to find the loose tooth and keep it moist. The best solution is to keep it in your mouth between your gum and cheeks. You may also try putting it into the dental socket using your tongue. However, if these options are not viable, store the tooth in milk or saliva. If it has fallen out of your mouth, rinse it properly by holding the crown.

The best way to prevent your tooth from getting knocked out is to put on a mouthguard. Wearing a mouthguard is highly recommended if you regularly engage in sports activities.

3. Fractures, Chips, And Cracks

Do you know what the strongest substance that the human body contains? It’s the enamel or the outer layer covering your teeth. It contains phosphate and calcium ions that form a strong crystalline layer over the mouth. This implies that your teeth can resist more force compared to other bones.

However, your enamel is not indestructible. Your teeth can fracture, crack, or chip. This can be a direct outcome of falls, or you may chip your teeth after biting a hard substance like a nut or popcorn kernels.

While you should reach out to the experts for emergency care at the earliest, you can try and avoid this issue from arising. Try to avoid biting hard substances like shells or candy with your teeth. After all, your front teeth are not a pair of scissors.

4. Lost Crowns Or Filling

In case you had previously damaged your teeth, your dentist might have installed fillings or dental crowns. If these dental installations give way, you have no time to waste. The underlying tooth would be vulnerable to damage and infection.

Before you reach out to the emergency dentist, block the cavity using a piece of sugarless gum. However, try not to fix the damaged component yourself. The dentist will install a new crown when you carry the crown or filling to the clinic.

How Can You Prevent A Dental Emergency?

Now that you know common dental emergencies, let’s discuss how to prevent such situations from arising.

1. Don’t Chew The Wrong Objects

Do you have a bad habit of chewing your nails? Or do you find yourself chewing pencils, pen caps, or other wrong items? You can easily chip or crack your teeth if you continue your ways.

To prevent these dental emergencies, you must try and change these bad habits. Redirect your oral fixations using sugarless gum to chew. Sometimes, you might be chewing pen caps out of stress and anxiety.

2. Be Choosy About Your Meals

Unless you are careful about what you consume, your teeth will be susceptible to plaque. Food containing carbohydrates and sugar results in plaque formation on your teeth. Unless you use floss to remove or brush the plaque away, the substances will produce acids that can damage the enamel. Left unattended, this can lead to gum disease or tooth decay.

Common Dental Problems and How to Prevent Them

Prioritizing your oral health, you must take care of what you drink or eat. Try to avoid excessively sugary drinks and food. To remain hydrated, consume adequate water.

3. Use Mount Rinse And Fluoride Toothpaste

Among the few minerals that strengthen your teeth, there’s fluoride. This mineral goes a long way in preserving your teeth against decay. So, make sure to use fluoride toothpaste to brush your teeth. Also, use a mouth rinse to maintain proper oral hygiene.

4. Adhere To The Best Oral Hygiene Practices

Oral hygiene is a broad term that encompasses several practices. Some of these include flossing daily and brushing your teeth twice a day. Besides, you should get your teeth professionally cleaned and whitened twice a year.

Flossing and brushing are effective in removing plaque. Once you have plaque, you will grow bacteria that damage the teeth. Ultimately, it can cause gum diseases. Even after brushing and flossing, there’s some plaque left. This can turn into tartar, which an accomplished dental professional can remove. This explains why it’s imperative to clean your teeth once every six months.


Regular dental care is a priority. While you do have emergency dentists at Teledentistry to bail you out of pain and discomfiture, why not prevent dental issues in the first place? In this article, we have recommended some effective ways to prevent dental emergencies. However, some perils like accidents or falls continue to be a threat. So, you can reach out to professional dentists 24/7 at any hour of your convenience.

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