Dental Care

6 Common Dental Issues in Children and Their Remedies

6 Common Dental Issues in Children and Their Remedies Posted On
Posted By Steffy Alen

Taking care of baby teeth is crucial to your kids’ health and development, even though permanent teeth will eventually replace them. Teething issues, however, are rather typical among children. Various issues, such as dental decay, thumb sucking, lip sucking, tongue thrusting, and early tooth loss, impact children’s oral health.

If either you or your spouse has a history of dental decay or gum disease, your children may be at an increased risk. These dental problems, if left untreated, can cause irreversible damage to the enamel and, in time, can cause the permanent loss of gum tissue, bone, and teeth.

Read on for some pointers on dealing with the most typical pediatric dental problems and the remedies.

Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is indeed the most common health issue among kids nowadays. Tooth decay happens because most young children struggle to brush and floss their teeth independently.

The mouth is home to a type of bacteria that thrives there. Plaque, a thin, sticky film composed of bacteria, constantly forms on the teeth and causes gum disease and tooth decay. This bacterial coating grows on starchy foods. As a byproduct of sugar breakdown, acid is produced by the bacteria in the presence of starch and sugar. The tooth enamel, the outermost layer of a tooth, is dissolved by this acid.

To treat tooth decay, the affected area is typically drilled out and filled. Both baby and adult teeth are capable of receiving fillings.

Gum Disease

Periodontal disease is another name for gum disease. Gingivitis and other gum diseases are more common among young adults than among children. On the other hand, anyone can have gum disease.

Gum disease develops when plaque accumulates close to the gum line, where the bacteria in the plaque lead the gums to swell and turn red. Gum disease can harm the bones that support teeth and result in tooth loss if it is not treated or worsens. Gum disease might also manifest bad breath. If you want to avoid unpleasant gum disease, it’s essential to practice good oral hygiene.

All the symptoms and underlying gum disease conditions can be remedied. Treatment for gum disease can range from self-care measures to surgical removal of infected tissue. The good thing is that you can save money on your child’s prescription medication for gum disease with manufacturer coupons like BuzzRx manufacture discount cards.

Make sure to approach a dentist early because the longer you have gum disease, the more work will likely be required to treat it and reverse its symptoms.

Sensitive Teeth

Dental issues, such as sensitive teeth, can be painful and distracting for your child, interfering with their ability to concentrate and maintain routines. Kids’ sensitive teeth can be brought by several things, such as brushing too aggressively, dental decay, or trauma to the tooth that exposes the nerve endings.

There are several options for relieving your child’s discomfort from sensitive teeth. Your child’s mouth will be thoroughly examined to identify the root cause of the sensitivity before the treatment begins. See your dentist as soon as possible if the sensitivity results from a dental issue, like a cavity, to avoid further complications.

Tooth Loss

Some parents may not worry too much if their child loses a baby tooth early because they know their child will eventually grow a permanent replacement. Dentists are aware, however, that the premature loss of a baby tooth might have serious consequences.

Keep in mind that the primary function of baby teeth is to create gaps in the permanent teeth so that they can easily be pushed into position. If you lose that tooth before the permanent one has grown in, it might cause the other teeth to shift and make it difficult for the replacement to fit in properly.

There are methods for stopping tooth loss in kids. Your child’s teeth can be protected from damage caused by contact sports and other activities by requiring a mouth guard. Furthermore, if your child’s tooth is loose before it should be, it is crucial to visit a certified dentist who will do all possible ways to save the tooth to ensure the proper development of the permanent teeth.

Tooth Grinding

Teeth grinding, often known as bruxism, is a prevalent problem among kids. Some children grind their teeth while sleeping, and the cause isn’t always clear. It could be anxiety, or it could be that they are still getting used to having all those teeth show up in their mouth.

The misalignment of the upper and lower teeth leads to grinding. As primary teeth come in, children may experience some jaw discomfort, leading them to clench or grind their teeth. However, that habit dies when a child’s permanent teeth come in. However, some kids could continue grinding their teeth despite the risk it poses to their teeth’s enamel. As a result, children risk developing cavities or tooth sensitivity.

If you or your child grinds their teeth frequently, whether during the day or at night, consult your dentist about possible treatment options.

Thumb Sucking

Most babies and toddlers will find comfort sucking their thumb. A baby or an infant may develop this habit because it provides comfort and security. However, if a child’s practice of sucking their thumb persists until age five, it can lead to severe dental issues.

There might be problems with the teeth and the roof of the mouth if a child habitually sucks their thumb as they grow up. The primary and secondary teeth can be harmed by persistent and forceful thumb sucking. Worse, chronic thumb sucking can lead to jaw misalignment and mild to severe temporomandibular joint (TMJ) issues later in life.

Talk to your dentist about possible solutions if your child is still sucking their thumb after age five. The thumb guard is the most effective tool you can use if you want your child to stop sucking their thumb. Thumb guards are designed with vents on the sides to prevent your youngster from sucking on them.

You should consult your dentist about using thumb guards or other protective items they may recommend.


Parents today are increasingly conscious of the value of dental health and how it influences children’s potential dental issues. The good news is that modern dental care for children allows you to save their smiles and preserve optimum dental health as they grow.

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